Jiangsu Plaza Premium Electric Instrument Co.,Ltd.(HY)
Laboratory Noble Metal

Pure Palladium wire

Pure Palladium wire Materials: Purity of palladium metal: 99.99% Total metal impurities: 0.01% max Temper: Annealed Thickness : 0.10 mm - 4.0 mm Shape: round, squa re , rectangle or customized type Palladium is a member of the platinum group of metals.

Product description

Purity of palladium metal: 99.99%

Total metal impurities: 0.01% max

Temper: Annealed

Thickness: 0.10 Mm – 4.0 Mm
Shape: Round, SquareRectangle Or Customized Type

Palladium is a member of the platinum group of metals. It is silvery white in colour, is malleable and ductile, and is one of the most reactive in the group. It has an abundance of 6×10 6 in the earth’s crust.

Palladium has good corrosion resistance but is soluble in oxidising acids and fused alkalis. It readily absorbs hydrogen gas (up to 900 times its own volume), but its main use is as a catalyst for hydrogenation. Palladium is also used within the electronics industry and in some dental applications.


Molecular Weight106.42
AppearanceGray Powder
Melting Point1554 °C
Boiling Point2970 °C
Density12.02 g/cm3
Electrical Resistivity10.54 microhm-cm @ 20 °C
Electronegativity2.2 Paulings
Heat of Vaporization90 K-cal/gm atom at 2970 °C
Poisson’s RatioN/A
Specific Heat0.0584 Cal/g/K @ 25 °C
Tensile StrengthN/A
Thermal Conductivity0.718 W/cm/K @ 298.2 K
Thermal Expansion
Vickers HardnessN/A

Product Specifications

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